Streamline your editing with AI

Quickly generate a focused edit for a video by describing what you want with a prompt-based UI


Have you ever had to sit and watch an hour long interview just to grab a few sound bites from the person being interviewed? What if you could jot down basic instructions for the edit you want to create, then snap your fingers and see the output? Well — we built that.

The AI Editor analyzes and categorizes your content based on the transcript, then lets you quickly create an edited cutdown by describing what you want to create. For example, you can take that hour long interview and ask the Assistant Editor to:

  • “Edit this to only show the responses from the interviewee, removing all the questions that the interviewer asks”
  • “Create a 90 second edit that features the funniest responses for sharing on social media”

Once the edit is generated, you can refine the edit as needed or try a new prompt and easily compare the two.

Our AI Editor is free to try and available today. To learn more about how it works, check out our documentation.

Try Scenery for your next video project

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